Prof. K. L. Shrivastava
Vice-Chancellor & Chairman, BoM of EMMRC
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
The modern era is era of digitization, which has not only become the present day fashion, but also part and parcel of common man. Educational Multimedia Research Centre is an Institution with prestigious contribution to the country in the field of higher education. It is centre of excellence which is maintaining a high position amongst all centre’s, spread throughout the country, contributing in the highly specialized field of education television. This centre has since inception being producing television program in the field of education in various subject categories. These programs have constantly being broadcast in various channels of Prashar Bharti like Vyas Channel, Gyan Darshan and other channels of Doordarshan. In the field of broadcast education it is not only being known for maintaining highest standards in educational television program production but also has been owing its place based on excellence in the field of educational dissemination.
With the changing time, changes also occurred in the field of educational film production. Looking to the educational needs of the students and to the demand of the times, the productions of e-contents have become the necessity today. This production of e-content is the prestigious project of MHRD under NME-ICT. The centre is further assigned with the responsibilities of running an independent channel of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India under Swayam Prabha plateform, under the nomenclature “SWAYAM PRABHA DTH Channel – CEC-UGC 03, Social and Behavioural Science.” This DTH channel is broadcasting a high quality, visually and graphically enriched content in the subject categories of Anthropology, Sociology, Public Administration, Political Science, Social Work, Psychology, Women studies and Population Studies for the benefit of the undergraduate and post graduate students of India.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) are the demand of the time, and EMMRC Jodhpur has been assigned the production of Under Graduate and Post Graduate MOOCs which for the future education is an essential and integral part of the education dissemination.