EMMRC Jodhpur has been assigned the responsibility of SWAYAM PRABHA DTH Channel named – PRABODH CEC-UGC 03, Social and Behavioural Science.  Learning gives creativity; creativity leads to thinking; thinking provides knowledge; knowledge makes you great “A.P.J. Abdul Kalam”. Consortium for Educational Communications an inter university centre of UGC welcomes you to bouquet of 10 DTH Channels of SWAYAM Prabha an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development.  The channel aims to develop the indigenous IT platform as it facilitates hosting of all the courses for UG and PG, to be accessed by anyone, anytime. Each course has been carefully designed and presented in such a manner that it shall develop curiosity in the minds of the learner. It will provide a comprehensive understanding of the respective subject.   There is a fresh content of 6 hours repeated 3 times a day, allowing the learner to choose the time of his convenience.  

Welcome to the SWAYAM Prabha channel – 03 Social & Behavioral Science for the learners of Social & Behavioral Science. The courseware includes three year BA Sociology,    BA Anthropology, BA Social Work, BA (Hons) Social Work, BA (Hons) Political Science, BA Public Administration, BA Psychology, BA Population Studies, further PG courses in Population studies, Women Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, Political Science and Public Administration. These Programs are both enrichment and courseware – based allowing learners to experience intensive and contextualized content. This initiative shall aid the learners in development of their cognitive ability and better understanding of the courses.  SWAYAM Prabha DTH channel 03 can be viewed on DD free dish, Dish TV and SWAYAM Prabha portal.

EMMRC Jodhpur is sending monthly schedule alongwith video programmes through Google Drive to BISAG Ahmedabad for uplinking.  The production of fresh content for CEC-UGC-03 Channel already started in Hindi looking to the demand from students and as per guidelines from the month of October 2018.

Academic Coverage: Major topics covered till Jan 2023:  BA Sociology, BA Psychology, BA Public Administration, BA (Hons) Political Science, BA Anthropology.  Details are given below:-